PHOTO RELEASE: Governor Hogan Makes Several Stops Across Harford County to Highlight Administration Initiatives


Date: July 8, 2022
Location: Annapolis, Maryland

Following a major broadband announcement, Governor Larry Hogan today made several additional stops across Harford County to highlight ongoing administration initiatives.

Klein Family Harford Crisis Center. The governor visited the Klein Family Harford Crisis Center, which provides 24/7 access to behavioral health care and support for Marylanders struggling with addiction. In recognition of the center's work, the governor presented an official citation to Elizabeth Wise, president and CEO of University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health. Marylanders struggling with addiction or a mental health issue should call 1-800-NEXT-STEP (1-800-639-8783).

Aberdeen Boys & Girls Club. Governor Hogan toured the Aberdeen Branch of the Boys & Girls Club, which serves more than 7,500 youth annually. The Boys & Girls Club of Harford & Cecil Counties was able to expand its impact thanks to the administration's Project Bounce Back.

MacGregor's. Governor Hogan stopped for lunch at MacGregor's Restaurant in Historic Havre de Grace, where he presented a citation to owner Stephanie Golumbek in celebration of the restaurant's 35th anniversary next week.

Downtown Havre de Grace. The governor also visited local small businesses in Downtown Havre de Grace, including Goll's Bakery, Joseph's Department Store, and Les Petits Bisous. Les Petits Bisous is a recipient of funding from Project Restore, the state's successful economic recovery initiative to revitalize vacant retail and commercial space. This grant helped owner Emily Yeatman expand her business to offer more services.

Living Shoreline Project. Governor Hogan toured one of the state's Living Shoreline projects, which protect homes and businesses from coastal erosion. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources assisted in the development of this project with a $2.5 million resiliency grant.

Keyes Creamery. Governor Hogan visited Keyes Creamery, one of the 10 on-farm creameries featured on the 2022 Maryland Ice Cream Trail. Keyes Creamery began in 1950 as a farm in Havre de Grace, and has since then extended its offerings to the family-owned Keyes Creamery.

Hopkins Farm Brewery.Governor Hogan ended the day with a visit to Hopkins Farm Brewery, which will celebrate its two-year anniversary tomorrow.
